About Me

Greetings,Coach CLaudette Taylor

I am Claudette Taylor. I am a problem solver and a Professional Certified Life Coach. I enjoy helping others simplify processes and organize their personal life, work, and environment. I consider myself a recovered workaholic.

The reason I created this site is to help those who are workaholics and those who are extremely hardworking whose work interferes with other priorities. I want to help them create balance that leads to true happiness, adventure and unforgettable memories. That means redefining work and success, putting work in its proper place, and becoming powerful, loving, and authentic beings with lots of time to choose to do those things that really bring you joy.

You see, life is abundant when you can achieve more and work less. It is about meaningful experiences and relationships whether you are serving meals or fighting fires. With this site, I am going to share techniques and resources from leading experts in the field. More importantly, I am going to share my personal experiences with you and what I have discovered over the years through my own “trial and error” experiments; real, practical transforming solutions. In addition, I am also going to share experiences and tips from those who have overcome the trappings of working too much.


I began working at a very young age and spent the majority of my life putting work first. I had parents with very strong work ethics so working hard and long hours was modeled for me; it became a badge of pride so to speak. On the other hand, my husband of 25 years modeled a life just the opposite of me. You see, my husband not only lived in peace, fun, and simplicity, he consistently reminded me how engulfed I was in my work, and he was right. I really didn’t know how to have fun or relax. I took life too seriously. I believed that keeping busy was the same as being productive. I just could not turn my brain off from doing stuff. I noticed that my husband seemed to have a lot of time on his hand, but was productive. It was puzzling and annoying, but I finally cracked the code. As evident by these statements, I had strong workaholic tendencies that I’ve struggled with over many years. Although I was not clinically diagnosed, I was a self-proclaimed workaholic and proud of it.

Fast forward to now, my work week is shorter and more fulfilling. I find myself with loads of time on my hand and doing only those things that bring me joy. I can easily discern workaholic traits in others.  Many people choose work over family because of fear, loneliness, perfection, acceptance, and not being able to set boundaries. I can help with that. I want you to accept this as a call for you to change.

I hope you learn from the material on this site and recommend it to others who struggle with working too much. I would love for you to share your experiences as well and get involved with my site. Thank you for stopping by!You Work Too Much

Founder of You Work Too Much
Email: claudette@youworktoomuch.com